Dec 23, 2009

Year end lists rock

Happy almost new year.

So I'm going to make some best of lists here. I'm not going to totally order everything because I think music works for you when you're in different moods. A ska album gets played at a different time than say a pretty folk album or hardcore. I could have also forgotten awesome stuff.

So here you go, my favorite albums and tracks of the year. At the end I will crown a best song and album just because it's fun. Sorry there's no pics. I'm lazy.

Best Albums of 2009

Bomb the Music Industry-Scrambles

Scrambles is not as immediately catchy and awesome as Goodbye Cool World or Ger Warmer. It seems like Jeff Rosenstock decided to air out a lot of frustrations in the chaotic punk/ska style he does best. The album was release donation based at and is amazing after a few listens. The best thing about his albums is that they all have at least one song that fits you perfectly and you feel was written for you. His last album had 2007's best song: Unlimited Soup, Salad and Breadstick Days... DO yourself a favor look it up and rock out, it's free. If you don't like or at least rock out a bit, you have no soul, and if you can't find something you like at quoteunquoterecords, you flat out suck.

Future of the Left-Travels with Myself and Others

I just discovered this album about a week ago and I don't know how to really describe it. It's paint pealing rock that's bass heavy, scream and shouty, smart, and blistering. If you need to wake up, this one's for you. If David Bowie fronted a band, liked to scream, and got Les Claypool to play bass, and an occasional marching band involved it may be similar. That's a terrible description, but I'm ok with it.

St. Vincent - Actor

St. Vincent is what I imagine everything awesome in the 1920s to be.

Thao Nguyen and the Get Down Stay Down- Know Better Learn Faster

I have a huge crush on Thao. Her songs and band are amazing and even better live. They're at the same time bouncing and relaxing, bluesy, folky, and Poppy. She tells you on this album, "Sad people can dance too."

NOFX - Coaster

It's NOFX being funny again, as opposed to their last album that was so angry and political that they forgot that sometimes it's enough to write a song about getting hammered. In this case: twelve songs about getting hammered. If you like punk and or NOFX you'll like it. If you don't well, sucks to be you and you'll hate this album. It's nothing good but it's really good.

Cheap Girls - My Roaring 20s

On my Roaring 20s, the Cheap Girls continue to reinvigorate 90s powerpop/alternative with an edge and I'm glad they do. When I listen to this on my bike it just makes me feel good. It's catchy and sincere rock and roll.

Kepi Ghoulie- life Sentence

Kepi's two albums released last year were awesome and he continues the trend with Life Sentence this year. He sings in a voice that is unique and awkward, seemingly telling you, hey man, come sit down, let's make up some funny stories and laugh at inside jokes.

Big D and the Kids Table- Fluent in Stroll

It's not really ska, it's not really punk, it's got some dub, and sounds like an album the B-52s could release. I think the best statement about this one I can make is that my wife listens to it and likes it!

Chase Long Beach - Gravity is what you Make It

Best ska album of the year by far although there weren't many. Think Save Ferris and Tragic Kingdom No Doubt and you won't be disappointed.

The Pains of Being Pure At Heart
This movie could be the soundtrack to every John Hughes movie ever made. It just feels happy and drips cheese. It's perfectly titled and perfect.

Ben Lee - The Rebirth of Venus

His last album, Ripe, was boring and sucked. This album is a come back with quirky Ben Folds like pop songs and choral background singers. It's not for the gloomy with its pop, pep, and cheese but screw you I like it.

Cage the Elephant- Cage the Elephant

Angry sing-a-long garage band music at its best.

MC Lars: This Gigantic Robot Kills

Nerd Core rap at it's arguable best. It feature Weird Al, Frontalot, and the Aquabats and has the best ska song of the year. Best observation of the album is,"just because you play guitar hero doesn't mean you play guitar."

Best tracks:

Ben Lee: I Love Pop Music

This song is awesome. It's about how politics suck, the world sucks, but you can always find some solace in a great song. I think this is meant as a political statement in and of itself.

The Pains of Being Pure At Heart: The Love is Fucking Right

It sounds like every John Hughes Movie ever. The teen movie is dead, long live the teen movie.

Bouncing Souls: Badass!

The song reminds me why I fell in love with Souls to begin with! (not to ruin the surprise, but there's a clip at the end of the post.)

MC Lars: This Gigantic Robot Kills

Ska is indeed not dead.

Cage the Elephant: No Rest for the Wicked

It's awesome and used in the video game of the year, Borderlands.
NOFX: First Call

"I'm going to be the first one at First Call!" Shut up and have a beer

Kepi Ghoulie: Spell Caster

He's singing about being careful when you use magic. How can that be bad? Go to his website.

The Hard Girls: Beach Party

This is a short catchy song about going to a beach party and making sure you bring a coat to put around the girl you like, and remembering to wear a sweater so you aren't too cold to enjoy it.

Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic North: Home

Think Jackson sung by Johnny and June Carter Cash.

Big D and the Kids Table: I'm not Fucking Around

Catchy song that represents monogamy at its best. Also, the hypothetical situation game is fun.

O, Pioneers!! - Stressing the Fuck Out

A large burly bearded man giving you a pep talk and a shot of whiskey.

Beyonce- Put a ring on it.

If you don't like it screw you. This song is a perfect Pop Song.
Great EPs

Kudrow- Lando

Jeff Rosenstock's take on the 90s. Download at

John K Samson - City Route 85

Introspective story telling folk from the Weakerthans front man.

Paint it Black - Amnesia and Surrender

Old school face shredding hardcore

Pains of being pure at heart- Higher than the Stars

More awesome. The Higher than the Stars remixes are awesome as well.

NOFX - Cokie the Clown

Leaving Massachusetts is awesome and really sweet about moving as a kid.

Franz Nicolay- St. Sebastion of the Short Stage

The man may be the next great punk rock one man band. Maybe the next Tom Waits in a few years. He covers New England with the Dresdon Dolls

A Wilhelm Scream- A Wilhelm Scream

Blistering punk rock, that makes you angry.

Worst albums:

The most disappointing album of the year had to be Green Day's newest album, 21st Century Breakdown. It was absolute crap. It sounded like they decided that instead of an excellent pop-punk band able to bridge punk and mega-success they wanted to become a shitty U2 and Queen cover band. I never thought I would actively dislike a Green Day album but the new one is just flat out not good music...

Also slightly disappointing was the Bouncing Souls singles series. They're one of my favorite bands of all time and instead of releasing an album they did a track a month. Sadly all but a few were easily forgotten. On the bright side, they did release the year's possible most fun track: Badass! Find it, it rocks.

The Eel's Hombre Lobo is also terrible. It's a concept album gone terribly wrong. I turned it off during a root canal it's so bad.

What I learned this year:

I really do hate techno. This was proved when I tried to listen to the new Fuck Buttons album that has been listed as an album of the year on many year end lists. I don't get it. It sounded like a bunch of repetitive random beats with no lyrics or purpose. It was terrible. If anyone loves that shit, please explain the appeal. I like songs, not computer generated background music one could wave a glow stick to.

So here we go.

the number one album of the year:

The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart

It's the most listened to and hands down the best of the year. It works at night, while studying, in the car or even on a bike ride!

Track of the Year:

Badass by the Bouncing Souls

I have listened to it well over a hundred times.


Next year should rock with new Bomb the music Industry, Gaslight Anthem, Bad Religion, Wilhelm Scream, Weakerthans, Beastie Boys, and a million new things everyone should like cause I said so.

Sorry this is long and full of bad grammar.

Love and respect...

Bob Fantastic

"There's no need to argue, Parents just don't understand" Big Will

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