Mar 6, 2015


I've written about these before...and often planned on writing more of them.  I have them strewn accross every notebook in my house and on random documents on my computer.  My goals is to, if nothing else, share a few relatively often on here.  

Note that my view of the Haiku is that it is an expression of a moment.  To that end, I really don't care about the 5-7-5 structure though I try to stay close.  These are thoughts that were in my mind that needed to get out, but not necessarily in a longer or larger way.  Moments of frustration or people you see that need to be noted.  I think if I make posting these a habit, a lot of them are going to be about doctor things and baby things.

I Don’t want to be
a doctor anymore.
I just want to be a dad.

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
I should start but there’s a wall.
So I’ll sit and wait.

Elementary school kid
In a pea coat and turtle shell backpack
My vision of adulating.

I’ve been trying to finish
The same book for eight months
I’ve gone to far to not like it.

I will never get
when I play them a new record,
No one else gets pumped

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