Ok, I saw a story that informed me Kirk Cameron of Growing Pains fame (as well as playing cousin Steve on Full House) is leading a group that is handing out modified copies of Origin of Species on college campuses.
The modification comes in the form of notes and essays declaring that evolution is wrong and will lead to the eternal damnation of our souls. Though I doubt the tactic will work, (the group brags about having handed out 170000 books but as a student mentions in the news story, who turns down a free book) their goal is scary.
It scares me because it's so damn stupid. It's an obsession with defending ignorance at all costs. I'm not religious and am far from a creationist, but I understand why people believe a god created living things but denying evolution over millions of years is just flat out ridiculous. Do they deny common sense in other ways too? Do they put their hands in fires and run with scissors? It's just denying knowledge on the basis of faith in a badly translated best selling book.
Even worse are idiots like Tim Tebow and his father who believe that the Earth is around 6000 years old and use their celebrity to expound on this ignorance in publications like Sports Illustrated. God apparently put fossils on this planet to confuse and tempt us into believing science which has led to nothing but evil and sin.
I mean, science doing things like this: http://www.cdc.gov/Features/SmallpoxEradication/ must mean God placed it's here to tempt us. Hell we used it to (gasp with me) commit GENOCIDE on a virus. Prayer healing would have been far more successful. I mean, that and blood letting were successful for years before science had to come in and make people live beyond their God-preordained age of 35.
If you think the Earth is 6000 years old, go outside and run into a wall until you have a concussion, wake up and go to a museum with dinosaur bones. Just for you, I've included a link to some of America's Best!
or maybe watch Jurassic Park: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Yz40BexXVY
I think you can believe in whatever Chesus (a burger patty between two grilled cheese sandwiches) you want to without denying evolution or the age of our planet. However, if you're a person who can't merge their beliefs with scientific fact (or theories because science understands it needs to tweak what it thinks is fact on occasion), remember the number of people the church and religion has hurt due to their loathing of science and the number of discoveries that were stopped because of it. If religion wasn't interceding so often in the prevention of HIV and research of Cancer drug we'd be much closer to solutions.
I'm going to go shower and washusing my Dr. Bronners Magical Soap just to prove religious nuts can do good things, but honestly, spreading young earth ideas and the disbelief in evolution is like spreading a severe learning disability. Stop it asshole.
Science is real...
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