Everyone who knows me knows I am one of the most die hard Steelers fans alive. That said my fan-dome is today in serious jeopardy. My values come first. The amount of work I have done to combat date rape exactly like what Ben Roethlisberger attempted recently says it all. In college I missed Steelers games for activism, probably while in one of his shirts. His is the only jersey my wife has.
I am ashamed of the number of times I have worn my Ben Rothlisberger jersey in public. If the Steelers don't heavily punish him, I will lose all respect for the organization and the ownership and give up my fan card. I don't know what I'll do then. Maybe I'll stop watching the NFL entirely because I don't think I can pick up another team.
Sadly, I don't know if a 2 game punishment is enough to make me feel like I can still root for the team. It certainly won't let me forgive the man. Let's look at this logically, Michael Vick, suspended for a year plus jail for killing dogs. Big Ben uses Little Ben on an underage drunk girl while his security barred the door and he may get 2 games or... rehab.
Unless Ben joins Womens' organizations and becomes a huge anti-rape-anti-sexual-assault advocate I will never be his fan again, and unless the Rooney family and Mike Tomlin come down on him hard I will never root for the Steelers again.
If it comes to that, I guess my 27 Steelers shirts, 2 superbowl balls, Jack Ham autograph, and multiple terrible towels go up for grabs.
I love football but I love respecting myself and what I stand for more, and ever wearing my Roethlisberger jersey, or a Steelers jersey at this point would be an exercise in self loathing.
I hope that the Steelers organization cuts Roethlisberger soon. I hope they draft a qb and plan for a future without him, and I hope Big Ben decides that real men respect and love women and don't see them as playthings to vaginally bruise in the bathroom.
This is an open letter from a Steelers fan...a Steelers fan that hopes to raise his kids as Steelers fans just like he was raised. However, first I will treat my kids how to treat other people.
Before people tell me I'm wrong and he was let go, remember the DA himself said it was simply because he didn't have enough evidence to criminally try Ben, but that Ben was pretty Morally bankrupt. At this point I'd rather have Plaxico and Michael Vick than Ben. One shot himself and the other hurt dogs. Neither pushed our cultures horrible views on sex.
So until this is sorted out, I will not put on a jersey.
I'll just say Go Pens and Go Penn State and wonder what next year could be like without an NFL Team...
To see what prompted this, here is the latest...
The sick idiot.
Sexy Bob
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