May 7, 2011

Interview: Waiting

This was written with a glass of Scotch, after a bottle of wine, while listening to the Gin Blossoms, trying to quiet my brain so I could tuck Morgan in and go to sleep. Turn this video on while you read this. It'll at least put you in the right frame of mind. Also, look up the band Yuck. They're new and younger than you probably but drip exquisite 90s nostalgia. It really wasn't thought out. Just how I felt.

Some days,
Stretch beyond one, beyond two,
and are a life time.
It’s 1 am, and my wife sleeps soundly on the couch.
I can’t say when it was I woke up.
I just know the day opened with big decisions,
and is ending with the need for patience,
and an uncomfortable quiet.
Is there a hidden glory to fading out for the night
to staying up,
till you can’t anymore,
like a high schooler finishing their
summer reading list,
the last day of August.
Oh of Mice and Men,
for that simplicity.
Now life hangs on other’s decisions,
and I can’t recall if I really put forth my all.
I must have.
You sleep so soundly.
As our cats run circles and races,
waiting for a midnight snack,
and I stare at this screen,
finding peace in puzzles and flash games,
and nostalgic torrents.
Tomorrow will be an adventure,
as the future fires up its welder,
binding my anxiety
to my inner analog clock,
two to four weeks is forever to hear,
if the days have today's reach.

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