Mar 2, 2013


Screaming doesn't do any good and getting pissed is usually pointless.
To be read to this song


The cumulative effect of yelling loudly at rocks stubbed toes flat tires dog shit cat pee rotten fruit spilled milk traffic bad radio limited warranties broken glasses bad coffee overflowing toilets awful drivers damn kids on your lawn to-do lists moles computer virus clutter dishes laundry broken spokes assholes diarrhea pop quizzes bosses faulty internet burnt toast the man taxes republicans skipping records ruined dinner allergies smokers hoboes commercials athlete’s salaries your salary corn syrup Justin Beiber new Saturday Night Live alarm clocks Mondays Wednesdays Sunday nights people crafty people crows attractive people the filing cabinet musicians batteries bad bikers calories skinny jeans money sold out events wasted food wine by the glass mark ups sexism racism classism fraternities hipsters hippies punks bros women men old people young people Christians Atheists Jews Muslims Communists Capitalists the sun rain snow home-ownership renting hot coffee cold coffee mild salsa spilled salsa stained sweaters dirty sheets stale chips head phones that only play in one ear the third world humane society commercials red hot chili pepper songs grammar spelling the education system America Europe math oxford commas me, and you is just a fowl mood, high blood pressure, a twitchy eye, and a ruined day.

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