Aug 16, 2008

Almost time for the symposium

So it's almost time for the zine symposium. I'm hoping to put a little more up on this site between now and then but that is certainly a questionable task. I finished the zine today. Citric Acid Skin Irritation is completed. There's a small sick twisted part of me that's going to try and finish Cold Russian Steal by Saturday, but I don't know if that will happen. Either way I'm pretty psyched. I'm actually putting something into the world that wasn't there before, even if only some 12 people ever read it.

So if you somehow end up here by accident cool, there's nothing really to look at yet, but in the near future stuff will be here. Much love and rock and roll!

Here's a piece of fabulous Stanley Mathews work:

Shit, Shit, Shit,

It's hot and I don't own air,
how can you sell air
You can't get to DC
without AC,
I will not be shook all night long,
without AC,
107 degrees inside,
my ass is sweaty.
Sweaty Anus...

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