Jun 19, 2011


This is my father's day post...


There’s a record playing.
My dad’s from 1972…
He was only 16 when he bought it,
If you asked him, he mowed a hundred lawns,
And took a loan out from his dad to buy it.
Now it’s mine,
Same voice,
Same words, from almost 40 years ago,
The sound crackles in the same place,
And I like to think,
That despite out differences over the year,
When I turn this on,
I feel the same as he did,
That day,
So long ago,
When he walked into a record store,
Braving the hippies and disco dancers
He bemoans, to buy a plastic disc,
That he could never imagine,
His son spinning in his own living room
With his own wife,
And his own beat up speakers,
Feeling a little too old himself
A million years later,
And thousands of miles away.
Right at home.

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