Jun 19, 2011


I just had the best day I've had in years for my birthday. It involved my toilet breaking, a man's hand dyed blue, and seventeen people eating sausages in our parking spot...I have not written many words for a while, but sometimes I think that's ok.


My fingers have grown rusty.
True, there have been words hammered out,
But not in a celebratory way,
Not excited,
Just pouring bullshit on a page.
My creativity has oxidized.

But with patience,
It’s a patina one can grow to love.
Because time,
And friends,
And drinks,
And sunsets,
And pets,
And lovers,
And adventures,
And taboos,
And work,
And school,
And bicycles,
And coffee,
And laundry,
And groceries,
And recipes,
All take up time,

That may or may not have been better spent,
Exploring the caverns of my keyboard,
Exchanging pleasantries with my pen.
I could’ve avoided the wear and tear,
And present my first library,
But souvenirs have no soul,
I always prefer an antique.

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