Sep 28, 2011

Chase Scene (part 1)

Currently Titled Chase Scene (part 1)

There’s a chase going on,
down the busy streets of an old world city.
I’m sweating bullets in a secondhand,
but well-fitted suit.
My hair is flowing behind me,
in a windblown/disheveled state.
I turn down alleyways that house their
own centuries-old microcultures,
running underneath multicolored clothes lines,
dodging cats and vagrants sharing space on the
narrow slit of pavement.
In my dash, I almost miss the alluring smell of a
slum cooked meal.

There’s pain shooting up through both my legs,
if I stop I’ll double over, heaving and gasping for air…
but they’re after me.
They’re coming.
At the end of the alley, I run through the back of a smoke-filled
business, selling sin like bread in a bakery.
Perfume, sex, and anticipated violence linger in the air,
but I plow through the patrons’ heckles and protests and
break out onto a busy street.

It’s a parade day.
I’m blinded by the colors of the costumes on the street
after the shadows of the alley and the absolute darkness
of the brothel.

I stop to catch my breath because no matter how hard I push,
the crowd doesn’t part.
Maybe there is safety in numbers.
The look on my face, rapid breath, and clenched fists
are the only things that separate me from the crowd.
I am, or at least could’ve been one of them.
Should I blame curiosity?
Should I blame stupidity?
Or jealousy?
Or, as most end up doing, my mother?

I slowly take in my surroundings.
No sign of my pursuers, but they have
a habit of disappearing for moment,
only to reappear around the next bend.
The parade passes.
For the first time I notice the sound
of thousands of drums and horns
being played in a rhythmless orgy
by those marching and those watching.
Unicorns prance by,
followed by robots,
and a chained but menacing dragon,
all surrounded by tumbling musicians,
and music playing tumblers.
This madness, this new rainbow
of weapons of war, festival,
triumph, the modern, and the magical,
has mesmerized the populace.
Over the crowd I notice a bird of paradise
with purpose in its eyes.
I push back out of the masses,
knocking over a woman and child,
I’ll never be one of them again.
They’re still after me,
as I run in no particular direction
but away.

I will add to this in future posts. Maybe I'll escape. Please check my other semi-professional blog on Health and my studies to become a Naturopathic Doctor.


and cheers!

Bob Fantastic

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