Dec 29, 2012

Damn it feels good (to have the greatest dog in the world.)

 I think this is the first reference to my upcoming fatherhood I am posting here and I'm sure that fact is going to insert itself into more of my writing.

A Haiku

Surprise! Baby Shirt
Surprise! Visit from a friend
This year will rock.

Another Haiku

Irony Defense.
I don’t really like this song,
It’s just, uh, funny.

And a stream of consciousness about coffee and dogs.

 Damn it Feels Good (to have the greatest dog in the world)

Damn it feels good to wear comfortable shoes, a flannel, and drink coffee as late afternoon fades slowly into early evening.  There are still tasks to be accomplished tonight like scrounging for dinner and washing my bulky sweater collection.  In this moment:  there is only frozen introspection and eyes caught by blinking streetlights.  I await a second wind that will carry me all of the way till bed, but for now, in this second, I transcend space and time.  Birds eye view watching myself type and sip, sip and type.  Closing my eyes hearing the sound of the keys and the sound of the coffee shop’s music selections.  There’s a group in the corner discussing the merits of our president’s Middle East policy.  Their engagement with the universe interrupts.
 I am fading to black…
… Coffee.  Refill.  I’m back for the moment.  My own opinions on the subject are stirring.  I could contribute.  I’m getting worked up.  No.  Breathe.  Look out the window again.  There are people walking their dogs on three of the four corners of the intersection I’m looking at.  Each person would swear their dog is the best.  I wonder if there really is a Best dog or if there is really just a best dog for a person, or for a moment?  Now reality sets in, I have to go home and walk the dog and feed the whole family.  The end of my musings is far from disheartening.  Reality is, I have the greatest dog in the world.

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