Sep 25, 2008

Economy is in the toilet

Alright, according to this website I have 8 minutes to post this until the site goes down. I don't even think it'll take that fucking long. We're in a country right now where the economy is in the toilet. I know nothing about the economy and have been trying very hard not to comment. However, the one thing I know is that billionaires get zero sympathy from me. I care about the people with loans or credit card debt from hard times or just dumb decision making who are trying to pull out and are probably not going to be bailed out by any government attempt.

It makes me sick to think that of that 700 billion the government is proposing most of it won't go to student and housing loans that got lost, it'll goo to corporate leaders who could use being taken down a peg.

That is all...

Oh yeah, and if they don't have friday in the presidential election, I may burn something.


I know, very literate, but I had 8 minutes, now I have three and I have not much else left to say. I want to see one of the experts from Merryl Linch or other explain how they fucked up this bad. I don't know how and won't pretend, they're the experts and they destroyed the economy. Where does it go from here? Craigs list, farmers markets, and book stores I hope.



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