Apr 6, 2015

Suburbs, bacon, Kosher wine, and my daughter.

Here's some Haiku thoughts I had visiting friends in Baltimore for the last week and some inspired by Peri.  

Suburban Sprawl
1950s happy homes
Didn’t seem so bad.

Eat Eggs and Bacon
Every Morning to live
The only true life

Kosher wine , Kosher Candy,
But only one brand of gluten free brownies
Honey, we’re not in Portland.

There is nothing like
Seeing my daughter try to walk through
A heavy wind on the pier.

After months of eating
Just bread and cheese and crackers
She devoured fresh clams

Easter Sunday is
A bogus excuse to enjoy friends
And eat good food.

Channel the excitement
Of a 2-year-old watching
A plane take off at sunset.

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