Apr 8, 2015

Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar

I am treating the next few months like a new day. I have to change some of my own bad habits.  One of which is eating way too much sugar as candy.  Food Addiction is a real thing.

Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar
Getting a migraine
Getting a twitch,
I feel myself quickly needing a fix.
A bag of gummi bears
A can of Dr. Pepper,
Quickly followed by another
And the flow of relief
When I eat a hand full
Of sweet
Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar
I can’t walk by
A 7/11
Without say thank heavens
For something artificially colored.
I fill up the second drawer
Of my night stand with more
So I can get cavities
And diabetes in the middle of the night.
Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar
…yes I see the hypocrisy.
I give nutrition advice
While I can’t get control
Of my own life,
Leading by bad example.
The cravings come from childhood
And deep set memories
Weak willpower
And low self esteem
But today is a new day
With new aches and pains
And I just have to sweat it out
And cut it out
Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar
Can no longer be all that I am about.

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